In case you were wondering...

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:

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Jessica Rolf Filed Under:

My baby has gone and in his place is a spunky little boy sporting a new hairdo that his daddy gave him. His lips are red because of the sucker he got to enjoy in attempt to keep him still for the clippers. He isn't too happy about having to stand still and get his picture made.

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Dear Paci,

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
With the utmost gratitude, I thank you for your service to our family. You have provided us with countless hours of peacefulness and solitude.

As I reflect on the months you have been with us, I remember that when Dean was a baby, you gave us the ability to eat in restaurants, go to church services and enjoy our favorite tv shows. I must also credit you with the fact that bedtime and nap-time rebellions did not exist in our quiet home. We are also extremely grateful that you accompanied us on so many wonderful road trips.

While many moms may scoff at the thought of allowing you into their lives, you have proven yourself to be nothing but a peacemaker and companion to us. I hope that you are not offended that Dean has so easily cast you aside. You should be proud of him for growing into such a mature, no-help-necessary-except-for-my-blankie sleeper. After all, he is almost two and this relationship has carried on a little longer than is readily accepted by society (and doctors) even if it was only for sleeping purposes. I sincerely appreciate your services and will happily recommend you to any friends who may question your usefulness.

With appreciation,


P.S. Please refrain from reappearing in our home as this may cause undue stress and tears.

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Jessica Rolf Filed Under:

Aunt Melissa ("sees-sah") snapped this photo of Dean enjoying the leaves while she was hanging out with him this weekend.

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It's here...

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:

I tried to ignore it. I tried to avoid it. But it came anyway. My 30th birthday.

There is one up side. I now know exactly how old I am again. For awhile there, the numbers seemed to blur together...I wasn't sure if I was 27 or 28. I couldn't remember if it was 26 or 27. And suddenly, I'm positive.

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Jessica Rolf Filed Under:

Dean and I walked down the street today and cast our vote! He got a sticker and I thought this was cute.

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