Where'd the moon go?

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
I am having to get used to this little voice in the back seat of the car that keeps piping up recently. A few weeks ago I was driving along and had to hit the breaks pretty hard. After recovering from the jolt I hear a "whoa" from the back. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. My own backseat driver! Suddenly we have a little person that interacts with us and it is making life so much sweeter.

So we were out driving the other night and I pointed out the beautiful full moon to Dean. He became obsessed with seeing it, which became difficult as we turned corners and drove behind trees. So as a result, we heard his first sentence. He said so clearly, "Where da moON doe?". I mean, he has said things like "bye-bye daddah" but that is the only intelligible sentence we have heard until now. John grabbed his iphone and recorded it because we couldn't believe it. Such a cute little voice from the back seat just talking about the moon. Hopefully I can get it converted and posted here soon.

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1 Response to "Where'd the moon go?"

  1. Andi Hawkins Says:
  2. I love that picture. I can just see him in the back seat peeking out his window, his palm turned upwards as he searches for that big beautiful ball in the sky. Classic. I love that kid.

    I hope your knee is better. Love ya!

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