It's here...

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:

I tried to ignore it. I tried to avoid it. But it came anyway. My 30th birthday.

There is one up side. I now know exactly how old I am again. For awhile there, the numbers seemed to blur together...I wasn't sure if I was 27 or 28. I couldn't remember if it was 26 or 27. And suddenly, I'm positive.

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2 Responses to "It's here..."

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. AHHHHH...Jess...all growed up and a mommy. I was so wrapped up in my BABY turning 21 that I didn't even send you a happy birthday message. I hope it was a good and memorable one! I'll get you a vanilla cream coke...that'll make you feel good! Love you!

    Aunt Cheryl
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 4 8 15 16 23 42
    those are the real numbers that count!!

    love you!!

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