NICU - Day 10

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
Well, Day 10 was the day that Dean got to go home from the NICU and that isn't going to happen for Drew. But he is doing so well that I am really praying it will be this coming week sometime. He made it through the night in the open crib and is doing great maintaining his temperature! Yeah!!

I just got home from seeing him and got to give him a bath. He looks extra tiny without his clothes on and blankets wrapped around him. He didn't fuss about the bath and actually seemed to enjoy it. This morning he was wide awake and so cute with his eyes open. It is nice to see him more alert.

Tonight Dean gets to peek at him through the window! This will be the first time the brothers meet. Dean is really excited about it. It has been a bit of a disconnect for him to only see pictures of Drew. He doesn't really understand why Drew isn't in my tummy and yet isn't home with us either. So I hope tonight will help things make more sense to Dean.

Keep praying for us. We hope we are in the home stretch!

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