My Guitar Hero

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:

Dean has suddenly become obsessed with his "garrrr". He will put it on and then ask for daddah and point to the TV. He loves to watch the dvd's of the church service and tries to mimic what he sees John and the other band members do. I have seen him raise his hand to praise God while he plays because he saw Wayne (the bass player) doing that on the video. It is really cute. He has yet to shred the electric guitar just from watching Chris, but we are thinking any day that is going to click in his head. Any day.... When I ask him if he wants to take off his guitar, he shakes his head no and makes a frowny face. Then he will just walk around the room ramming in to everything because he doesn't realize how far it sticks out. The only way to get him to take it off is to give him his drum sticks! His daddy sure is proud that he can hold it correctly and is happy to see his little guy so interested in what he does. I love it!

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5 Responses to "My Guitar Hero"

  1. The Coopers Says:
  2. He is such a cutie. He looks so serious in those pics. Just want to squeeze that boy!
  3. Julie B Says:
  4. Oh my gracious. Cutest thing ever.
    He looks so grown up holding a big boy toy!
    Precious that the Rolf legacy lives on!
  5. Julie B Says:
  6. Does Dean have bandaids on his feet, or are those sandal tan lines?!

    Summer boy!
  7. Jessica Rolf Says:
  8. Um yes, that is a tan line from his swimming shoes!
  9. Beka Bullard Says:
  10. Those pics are priceless! I can't believe how big he has gotten! I remember when he was so tiny watching him in the green room because it was too soon for him to go to the nursery...time flies. Oh yeah, Chris has been looking for a good guitar player...I will tell him I know one:)

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