Day 5 in the NICU

John Rolf Filed Under:
We just got home from the hospital a little while ago. We weren't able to go for Dean's 9am bottle feeding because of the icy roads, but we were able to make his noon tube feeding. He was pretty out of it and sleepy so we just stayed for a few minutes and then ran to grab some Red, Hot, and Blue (the "all in" burger was srumptiouuuulescent!) After lunch we headed back to the hospital for his 3:00 feeding. It was dad's turn to feed him. They've gradually been upping his quantity of milk and he's now up to 40 or 42ml. Today he was HUNGRY! He chugged it down quick and then promptly konked out for a little nap. He was making some pretty funny faces for us that we thought were pretty cute. We caught a couple of smiles on camera. They say it's probably just gas... but I was telling him jokes though. He probably just thinks his daddy is funny.

As of last night, he's off of the phototherapy blanket and his jaundice is gone. Hopefully it will stay that way. He also got rid of his IV yesterday evening and is getting all of his nutrients through his eating. All he has left hooked up to him is his feeding tube and his heart monitor and lung monitor nodes. It's good to see the other wires coming off.

We asked the nurses how much longer he's going to be in the NICU. They can't ever give a concrete answer but from what we gather it looks like he may be home by the end of the week. We'll keep hoping!

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