Winter Blast!

John Rolf Filed Under:
We woke up this morning to snow and extremely icy roads. This is about the third one of these that has hit this winter. I think it is funny because the news networks stop regular programming and report on the weather all day long. It is nonstop action of weather and traffic accidents. My favorite is when the news reporters start using words like "treacherous" and "frightful". You would think a nuclear bomb went off outside by the way they warn people to stay at home and off the roads.

We decided to ignore the reports this morning and brave the roads to Lewisville. Since Dean is on an all breast milk diet now, we didn't want to miss a feeding. So we hit I35 at about 8:20 this morning. Traffic was pretty bad and we did slip around a bit on the side roads (just the road into our subdivision), but it was nothing as devastating as the news played it up to be. The Lake Lewisville bridge wasn't bad at all and that was supposed to be the worst place to be. Usually it takes us about 8 minutes to get to the hospital, but this morning it took about 40. No big deal though. We still got there in time to make Dean's feeding time.

Right now we are at the NICU. When we got here this morning, we got great reports from the doctors and nurses. He is still doing really well. He just needs to pack on a few pounds (well... more like ounces). The nurses have been really nice to us today. They hooked us up with a special room here that's sort of like a hotel room in the NICU. Since Jess is needing to feed Dean so often and the weather is so bad, they offered for us to just stay here today and tonight. We get to have Dean in the room with us so it's really nice. It saves us from having to find somewhere to hang out every 3 hours.

The neonatologist gave us a projected discharge date this morning! She said that he is doing really well and would probably be able to go home now, but the NICU just isn't comfortable sending a baby home until it is at least 35 weeks along. While it isn't likely at this point, he is still at risk for apnea and other complications that go along with prematurity. So, bottom line, he should be coming home sometime on Monday, the 22nd!

We'll check back later... Here's a little video clip of Dean today.

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