
Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
One of my favorite things (most of the time!) about being a mom is the little chattering companion that is constantly beside me/behind me/directly in front of me when my arms are completely full. Dean's running dialogue makes me laugh sometimes as he creates such grown up phrases. Here are a few of my favorite.

"hings" - As in, "Momma, what are dose blue hings over dare?".

"ba-tween" - As in, "I'm gonna sit ba-tween you and daddy.".

"what you say?" - If he doesn't understand what I mean when I tell him something, he keeps repeating, "what you say?".

"ever" - This really means "never". As in, "I ever seen one of dose momma.".

"but we can try it" - If I say, no, you cannot have candy before dinner, his reply is "but we can try it!".

"D fir Dean!" - He can spot a D on any sign as we drive down the road.

"I heard a dog ruffing" - Dogs are a huge fascination.

"I love you in whole world and to fin-na-nees" - This is what Dean tells us as he goes to bed or on the phone. He started saying this by repeating something John told him. The true meaning is, "I love you more than anything in the whole world and to infinity." It's priceless!

You are such a joy. We love watching you grow and learn. Your precious grateful heart and sweet gentle spirit challenge us to be better parents. You are so quick to thank us for taking you places and giving you "hings". You don't hesitate to give us plenty of kisses and hugs. And you keep us smiling with your quick wit and happy attitude. We pray that you will take these traits with you your whole life and allow God to use them for His glory. We thank Him every day for giving you to us.
We love you in the whole world and to fin-na-nees.
Daddy & Momma

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