Baby News...28 Weeks

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
The Good: They did an ultrasound today. Our baby boy was so cute! He had his hand up by his nose and looked happy and content. He is weighing over 3 lbs already. The technician said that everything looks great and that my cervix is long (as opposed to short and ready for delivery). The baby is breach right now but still has plenty of time and room to turn. So we are still on track and not planning on him arriving anytime soon.

The Bad: I failed the glucose TWO POINTS!!! I'm a really good test taker and was totally shocked by this result. What does this mean? Well, it means that I get to go in next week after fasting all morning, get my blood drawn, drink an extra sugary drink, and sit in the doctors office all morning getting my blood drawn every hour for three hours. All to prove that the first test was wrong and I don't really have gestational diabetes. Anyone have a portable dvd player I can borrow or a good book?!

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