Baby Update #5 - Day 3

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
It's Sunday morning! They have unhooked me from all monitors, taken out my IV and have moved me to a room upstairs on the recovery floor. This is probably where I will be living until my labor starts. I am on "bed rest with bathroom privileges". Sounds fun, right?! The room is smaller BUT the bed is much more comfy and there is nothing beeping in my ears and no wires/straps attached to my fingers, wrists, stomach. I think I might actually get to "rest" in this room!

They will monitor the baby twice a day and make sure he is doing fine. We are happy that he is getting some more time to grow but we are a little freaked out by the whole backwards sequence of events! I had NO IDEA you could just hang out for weeks after your water broke.

We haven't talked to the doctor or anything so all this info is coming from the nurses. I think my doctor will be back in town tomorrow. So maybe the baby was just waiting for him to get here?!

Thanks for keeping up with our journey and praying for this little guy! Wondering when we will get to meet him...!

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2 Responses to "Baby Update #5 - Day 3"

  1. kevin roy Says:
  2. Jess and John know that I am praying for y'all and the little one. I know that these are anxious times. Try to keep grandma in line!

  3. Julie B Says:
  4. I love that you are keeping everyone updated! This is so exciting, like we are in the hospital with you!
    Praying for y'all and Baby Boy!

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