NICU - Day 2 (Evening)

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
I promise, pictures are coming!! My photographer has taken Dean home for the night so he will have to post them after bedtime. I am still at the hospital but get to go home tomorrow. Boy am I ready to sleep in my own bed! But it will be really hard to leave Drew here in the NICU.

He has done amazing today! He is actually eating from a bottle! I'm tearing up just thinking about it because it is a pretty big deal. Him not having a feeding tube is major progress. He hasn't had to get one yet since they just started feeding him today, but they were surprised as much as we were that he could take a bottle.

He started struggling a bit with his temperature and had to go into the the little glass cube bed (the one with the windows in the side for your arms). But at his last "touch time", the nurse said she was going to try to get him moved to the less critical part of the NICU. She said he is doing so great and doesn't need the the nurses attention as much as some of the other babies.

I asked her when they said that he was "older" than they thought, what that meant. She said the doctor said he was probably closer to 36 weeks by the way he is acting! We saw the Dr. this morning and he acted like maybe we had our due date wrong. I know for a fact that it isn't wrong but they can assume what they want!

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1 Response to "NICU - Day 2 (Evening)"

  1. Andi Hawkins Says:
  2. I miss you so much. I am overjoyed that Drew is doing so well. How amazing!!!!

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