NICU - Day 5

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
Drew is really doing great with his feedings. He is nursing well and taking his bottle well at night so mommy can stay home and rest!

Today he was borderline jaundice so they are starting him on the photo-therapy blanket. It is like a jaundice lamp except it just slides up under his shirt so he doesn't need a mask or anything. It is really common for preemies to have jaundice and isn't much of a concern. Since he is eating and pooping good, it will probably pass soon.

The nurse practitioner said today that he had a spell in the night where his heart rate dropped. She said they need to watch him for an entire week since that time. This was a bit discouraging because it has only happened that one time and he recovered on his own. I wonder how many full term babies that this happens to and you just don't know since they aren't on a monitor. Or how many times it is an equipment malfunction.

We learned with Dean that it really depends on WHO you talk to as to how long your kid will be in the hospital. Some people are very negative and cautious and think your kid needs to live there until he is two. Others are very positive and hopeful and want to get them out of there quickly. I hope that the RIGHT person comes a long soon and decides to discharge him! After his jaundice passes, he won't need to be up there really (in my expert Momma opinion!).

We go to the "discharge class" tonight so we are just going to keep jumping through the hoops and pushing for him to come home soon.

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