Nursery - Day 12

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
Well, during the night Drew moved upstairs to the regular nursery. He doesn't need the detailed care of the NICU anymore and I think they were just out of room in there. He is still on the monitors but hasn't had any more apneas and we are still set to bring him home TOMORROW!!

So today he has a great nurse and we are just checking things off the list:
-Hearing Test
-Mom & Dad take CPR
-Car seat test (they put Drew in his car seat for an hour while he has his monitor on to make sure he can breathe well while in the seat.)

We are all ready to have him home! Dean is really excited and thinks that someone is going to just drop Drew off at our front door! I keep trying to explain that we will have to go get him and bring him home. It will all make sense to him soon.

Thank you so much for all your prayers. One more night without our Drew and then our family will be complete.

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