NICU - Day 7

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
Drew had an awesome feeding this morning. It was the best one yet. He was really hungry and alert and ate like a champ! Somebody bring that kid some State Fair Fried Butter cause he's ready! It really encouraged me though because his last feeding with me yesterday was a bit rough. The monitor went off 3 times and we couldn't figure out why. So it was distracting and frustrating for all of us.

He was still on the jaundice lamp this morning. The nurse today acted like it was news to her for him to stop doing the photo therapy and move to an open crib. What?! Don't these people talk to each other?! The doctor will have been by before I am up there again so hopefully they will get things worked out.

Every day I am trying new routines with his feedings so I don't wear myself out trying to make it to all of them. I am also trying to work out the best times to get quality time with Dean as well so I am not home when he his napping. I don't want him to feel abandoned. Yesterday when my mom asked him what he wanted for dinner he said, "I want my momma and daddy to come home.". Luckily we were pulling in a few minutes later!

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2 Responses to "NICU - Day 7"

  1. Melanie Says:
  2. So good to see you today Jess! Hang in there- I was really emotionally hit hard with the changes in Whittaker and my relationship that I had not expected at all- plus, I couldn't pick him up for several weeks and that was so hard on us both. I would go in his room at night an sit by his bed while he was sleeping and hold his hand and run my fingers through his hair and cry- I just missed my baby, who wasn't a baby anymore in comparrison. But as we got to relearn some things slowly over time, he is such my big helper and nuturer- I love having 2 boys! We're praying for baby Drew- the warrior- to be victorious in the battle!
  3. Runningmama Says:
  4. I am so sorry you have to do this NICU thing again. If its any consolation, you looked stunning at preschool today. I think you are one of the world's coolest people. Hang in there, friend.

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