NICU - Day 2

Jessica Rolf Filed Under:
The Power of Prayer:

This morning I was totally surprised to walk in the NICU and find Drew in an open bin! He is still hooked up to his IV and monitors, but he is already maintaining his own body temperature so he doesn't have to be under the heater anymore. He is now in the same type bin that they put regular babies in. What a big boy! They had also dressed him in a tiny little preemie outfit that said "sleep is for the weak" and he was sporting a lime green hand crocheted hat.

I got to hold him for about 45 minutes and change his dirty diaper. He is a really good baby. The nurses said he has only cried when they wake him up (which make sense because they only wake them up to poke or prick them!). He opened his eyes for a long time when we visited him last night. He finally looked tired so we left. The nurses said after we left that he was wide awake again and they had fun talking to him while he looked at all the lights above his crib. He's already a hit with the ladies! ha!

Something we have heard them say several times is "he is showing up OLDER in all our test than he actually is". The nurses really bragged on how well he is doing. We know why!

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